Jazz Journalists Association
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Patricia Willard


Member profile details

Membership level
Jazz Journalist Emeritus (professional/voting member)
First name
Last name
I am a jazz
  • writer
  • photographer
  • other
"Other" means. . .
consultant to all of the above
Other key Publications/Productions
2018 JJA Lifetime Achievement in Jazz award winner. Articles and photos in DownBeat, JazzTimes, Billboard, Rolling Stone, Village Voice, L.A. Times, L.A. Herald-Examiner. Entries in Grove On-line Dictionary of Jazz, Chapters in Oxford Companion to Jazz, Laughter From The Hip. Former Consultant in Jazz & Popular Music, Library of Congress; Historical Consultant to Ellington Collection, Smithsonian National Museum of American History; 8-time Advisory Panelist, National Endowment for the Arts Music Program. Program annotator for Martin Williams & Dr. Billy Taylor's jazz concert series, J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, D.C. and for more than 100 recordings. Jazz book reviewer for NPR. Conducted more than 40 oral histories for Library of Congress, Smithsonian NMAH, NEA Jazz Program, Institute for Jazz Studies, Duke Ellington, Count Basie and free-lance.
My interests in jazz are:
Listening. Research. Oral histories.
Reporting responsibly on the artists and their contributions.
I support the JJA because
we are an honest and mutually inspired community dedicated to creative expression in music, in words and in visual imagery.
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